Generally, skin starts to exhibit signs of aging after the age of 25, when your body begins to produce less estrogen. As aging progresses, your skin’s ability to retain moisture diminishes, cell division slows, skin renewal decelerates and oil secretion also declines. By the time you reach your 60th year, your body’s regenerative ability is reduced by half (in comparison to its former capacity at age 20). The degree and onset of these changes are largely dependent on a combination of genetic and environmental influences. To combat or slow these processes, you need to take on a preemptive and proactive combination approach that involves good nutrition, water consumption, exercise, regular sun protection, and getting adequate sleep. In addition, select skin care products that incorporate key anti-aging ingredients such as niacinamide, n-acetyl glucosamine, peptides and proteins, as well as antioxidants that can nourish your skin and help to maintain a rejuvenated appearance. Aging skin tends to get drier and be less elastic, so changing your skin care products to accommodate your evolving appearance just makes sense. You will very likely find that your favorite skin care line has alternatives to suit mature skin.