Not surprisingly, the state of your skin is affected by a combination of your genes, nutrition, general health, emotional well-being and exercise. With today’s hectic lifestyles, keeping a positive outlook and minimizing stress and anxiety can be an ongoing challenge. Relaxation techniques learned through yoga, meditation, and deep breathing are effective stress-busting activities and they can help to get you back on the right track. Add to this, regular exercise and a balanced diet that incorporates all of the food groups to give your body the needed ingredients to maintain conditions for optimal health, which can also promote a radiant complexion. On the exterior, how you care for your skin can directly impact its appearance. Sun protection from a young age is a key factor that influences the onset of pre-mature aging. A minimum SPF30 sunscreen is generally the recommended level of coverage to look for. Finally, institute a basic twice-daily cleansing and moisturizing routine to remove impurities and restore hydration.