Malassezia fungi are the culprits believed to be the leading cause of dandruff. These naturally occurring yeasts are commonly found on the skin, but the conditions on the scalp seem ideal for them to flourish. It’s impossible to completely eliminate them, but their effects on dandruff can be controlled. Most often, shampoos are used as an effective method of dandruff management. There are a number of shampoos available that contain antifungal ingredients, such as pyrithione zinc and selenium sulfide. Some studies indicate that these ingredients kill some of the yeasts and slow the rate of skin cell turnover. In severe cases, prescription strength preparations may be required. If you don’t see any improvement after using an antidandruff shampoo for several weeks or you notice redness and/or bumps on your scalp, see your doctor to determine the underlying cause. New advances in the form of antidandruff conditioners can also add an extra boost of the active ingredient on your scalp to reduce irritation and flaking, as well as improve manageability.