Extreme levels or prolonged periods of stress can cause your hair to stop growing and start shedding. There are multiple causes for hair loss, some are attributed to side-effects from medications, diabetes, thyroid disorders, surgery and even extreme emotional stress, but one of the most common causes for female hair loss is pregnancy. Approximately 45% of new mothers experience some degree of hair loss from fluctuating hormonal levels in the postpartum period, plus there’s the stress of having a baby and adjusting to a new routine. In almost all cases, hair will grow back within 6-12 months after delivery. Hair grows in repeating cycles. The active growth phase lasts about 2 years, followed by a 3-month resting phase (called telogen phase), which is followed by shedding. The normal rate of shedding is about 100 strands of hair per day. However, when the body experiences extreme stress, as much as 70% of the hair on your head can prematurely enter the resting phase. The hair loss may not be easily linked to the cause due to the 3-months lag from the time the changes in your body are triggered to when your hair actually falls out. This type of hair loss (called telogen effluvium) is widespread, so the decrease in volume may not be easily noticeable, and no bald spots will develop. If the conditions of extreme stress are not resolved and continue, then the thinning will become more apparent. Generally, when conditions improve, hair will start to re-grow within 6 months, and no medical treatment is necessary. If you’re unsure about the reason, your doctor can check for the underlying cause.